Personal Development and Cultural Self Awareness Workshop - Embrace Your Authentic Growth

Designed especially for those who are already on the path of self awareness and potential fulfilment, who want to take a deeper discovery into their identity and values. This intimate program will provide you with the capabilities to re-frame your experiences through a cultural lens and encourage you to build a healthier, and more authentic relationship with yourself and those around you.

This workshop will:


Increase your self awareness of your cultural identity

You know about your EQ and feel equipped to be able to interpret and appropriately respond to the emotions of others. But did you know that your EQ is culturally bound? It is your CQ that determines your mental pathway to responding. This will give you major insight into your cultural values and preferences.


Recognise your biases and strategise how to mitigate them

Yes, we all have them. Being able to recognise our blind spots means that we can make an informed conscious decision to not let them impact how we connect with people, how we communicate or how we heal. That way your relationships become more equitable and we embrace a more inclusive approach and mindset.


Develop your Authentic self perception

We are constantly evolving as people, in our thoughts and in our behaviours. There are parts of our identity that we have hidden away from the world and addressing them is a vital step towards our authenticity. This workshop will undoubtedly increase your self perception and awareness.

“Belonging starts with self acceptance.

Your level of belonging, can never be greater than your level of self acceptance. Believing you are enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.”

- Brene Brown


As a mixed heritage woman, of Caribbean and British lineage, I have spent my life curiously and carefully navigating through various life experiences.

From being raised in Oxford, relocating to Grenada and being raised with both cultural influences until my adulthood, my lived experience of being dual heritage is a core truth that defines the way I see and interact with the world. Little did I know that I would continue my journey living internationally, parenting and building my business in Canada, Japan and now the UAE.

Every relocation has given me an opportunity to reinvent myself, rediscover new parts of my identity and re-think my beliefs. Exposure to new cultures is a goldmine of learning and discovery, both for my knowledge but also how that impacts the quality of the connections I make. I am still on that learning path and creating the map towards my own authentic growth. Part of my growth is sharing this workshop with you.

This Workshop will equip you to hold the mirror up to reflect your minds image. The courage to challenge yourself and confidence to be open to different ways of thinking requires a deep and continuous commitment to your own self awareness, development and compassion.

Our identities are multi- layered. Our ‘SELF’ is made up of multiple core elements, with culture contributing as a significant element. Our own culture possesses the power to affect the way we perceive people, experiences and our response to them. It’s like operating in the world wearing our own cultural glass lens. You likely have many experiences and interactions that are influenced by your identity, and your sense of belonging to those groups, which adjusts the filter of our lens. Exploring your own provides a new perspective so you can intentionally choose how you engage.

This workshop provides a unique and distinctive approach to exploring culture. The insights are just as applicable to personal and professional relationships, as well as workplace culture growth and development. For us to be effective self-leaders, humans and souls, growing in our wisdom of our identity becomes invaluable.

Please refer to the FAQ section below for commonly asked questions about the programme. Each session has a maximum capacity of 8 people.

Get Closer To Your Authentic Self

What We Explore

Pricing Option 1

I offer a pricing scale to reflect my commitment to accessibility for as many as possible while still supporting my business. This option will give you full access to the workshop and have the experience of participating in the experience.

Pricing Option 2

This pricing option includes full access to the workshop and you will receive a set of slides after the workshop that cover all the information and research shared.

You will also receive a 1 hour Coaching session, bookable within 4 weeks following the workshop.

In my commitment to support those from underrepresented or marginalised groups, I encourage you to get in contact with me as 1 place per workshop is reserved for those who do not have the financial capacity to attend but would benefit from the experience of attending the workshop.



November 2023

Online - Zoom

9am - 12pm BST


There is no pre- course work for this Workshop.

Please attend with an open mind, prepared to take notes and engage with the group.

Sessions are not recorded and it is highly recommended to attend with your camera on.


There is no pre- course work for this Workshop.

Please attend with an open mind, prepared to take notes and engage with the group.

Sessions are not recorded and it is highly recommended to attend with your camera on.


Online - Zoom

9am-12pm BST

What people are saying…..

  • “I'm mixed race, and experiencing new cultures through travel is a big part of my life. A great balance of theory and rich conversation in the workshop further enhanced my understanding of culture and it's importance in work and life. This workshop is a must for anyone who values inclusion in their personal and professional life.”

    Carmanah MacKenzie

    Assoc CIPD

  • "Having lived and worked all around the world, I already thought I was “culturally intelligent”. After attending this training, however, I can see there’s so much more for me to explore which could help me become a more culturally sensitive and inclusive coach. I’m grateful to Mika for opening my eyes to some of my blind spots and offering a safe space for me to gain more awareness about where my growing edges are. This workshop is essential for anyone who wants to be genuinely supportive and accepting of clients from diverse backgrounds and take their coaching practice to the next level!”

    Kat Kjellstrom Corbet

  • "If you are curious about developing your coaching skills with a Cultural Intelligence lens, or you are a leader with coaching responsibilities, get in touch with Mika ."

    Francoise Olivier

    Coaching Academy

  • “The Workshop helped me to reflect on my coaching practice and how I show up as a coach and connect with people who may be different to me. It left me even more curious about the role of cultural intelligence in our interactions with clients and conscious about biases that may hold us back and interfere with the coaching process."

    Marzena Cichon- Balcerowicz

    Director of Partnerships and Development at the Centre for Theology and Community London

  • "The course offers an insightful introduction to understanding culture and navigating intercultural interactions. Mika provided a safe and inclusive environment where I could freely share my experience as a coach, and learn from others. It allowed me to foster a deeper understanding of cultural differences and navigate them with empathy and respect. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to better understand what to take into account when working across cultures."

    Angela Sánchez Fuentes

    HR Consultant | Coach


  • Our identities and related experiences are personal, unique narratives that require space and safety to be explored. By keeping the group size restricted to a maximum of 8, it encourages more engaged participation with the content and each other.

  • The workshop will need to be paid for in full ahead of attending. A payment link will be sent to you once your attendance is confirmed.

  • Sessions are not recorded as the the programme is largely experiential. If you have already confirmed your place with payment and unexpected extenuating circumstances mean that you can no longer attend, please contact me and I will endeavour to find a solution that works for us both.

  • While this is a programme that offers significant value to your personal development, it is not YET accredited with the CPD body. This is the long term vision for this programme and I hope to be able to offer this accreditation in the near future.

  • To date, I have connected with every participant that has attended the programme. I always welcome a virtual coffee to discuss your expectations of the workshop without any pressure of signing up.

Got questions? Just reach out and I would welcome a chat.

No pressure, not sales-y, just honest connection.

Email me or connect via LinkedIn